December 15, 2011 10:16 PM PST
Welcome Bikermedic and Chrisp47 from the 'at large' member...
December 16, 2011 4:57 AM PST
Hello from extreme northwest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
December 23, 2011 6:29 AM PST
Hey Everyone, and Merry Christmas Eve's Eve! Just joined a couple days ago from Atlanta, Georgia! Been browsing around the site, seeing what's up. Pretty neat so far. Girlfriend and I ride everywhere, but don't ride with other people very often...mostly due to not knowing very many people who ride. We try to corrupt our friends but with little success. Anyone who wants to hook up at a rally or ride together up at Deal's Gap or Blue Ridge Parkway, or wherever else, hit me up and say hello.

December 23, 2011 7:27 AM PST
Welcome ALL who've joined us "oldsters" here on the Cyclefish! And by old, I mean, been here for a minute....Ok, Ok, yeah, I'm old too. Sheesh. Can't fool you guys for a minute...LOL! Welcome from NE FLORIDA. Home of the Jaguars (used ta could say that with a straight face...)
You'll love the bestess daggone biker site on the web. So join in on a forum or send out a few friend requests, and let's get this ride started....
Ride Free
December 23, 2011 8:03 AM PST
Tweek,are you calling me a youngster??? Thanks, Girl!! Haven't heard that for a,,,, Oh well hell, can't remember. I can't get over the family feeling this site has and felt at home when I joined. Hope to ride together some day. Welcome aboard from NC, garfltrx, Hope you enjoy it as much as I.
December 23, 2011 8:22 AM PST
Hello from the Lake Erie shore of Pennsylvania.
December 27, 2011 4:40 AM PST
Hi there everyone from northern AZ! It's a winter wonderland here, cold but sunny, LOVE IT! Just found this site and I am anticipating new adventures for 2012 from reading the posts, tempting me to explore places yet to be experienced from a biker's viewpoint! Safe riding into the New Year everyone!