Well I sent out one of these post like this a few months ago, and I think it's time to send out another with new family members. Now everybody remember this is in good fun. You know when you check out Biker Dudes pictures they all look macho, I mean hell Biker Dudes should be Macho, but when you get to know everyone maybe everybody isn't so macho, or at lease have a solf spot in there heart........Here is my take on some of the Macho Men of Cycle Fish (remember all in good fun)
(1. Bad Influence......this road name wasn't given to this Biker lightly.....I mean would you buy a car from a car sale's person named bad influence....hell NO! You buy sex toys from this guy.....right.
(2. BlackPearl.....There is no way I can see this name without thinking about the movie with the ship of the same name. I see this Biker standing on a corner with an open coat saying ......want to buy a watch??????
(3. DEFCON.....Oh hell this name reaks of the end of the world. I mean every end of the world movie has the term in it .....we are going to DEFON 5. Even through Hollywood has no concept of what DEFCON means, and this dude is nobody to mess with.
(4. Dayna....Why in the hell does this person have a mask on his face in his profile picture.......he probably just knocked over a convience store and forgot to take the damn mask off. Hey Dayna check your picture .....you might want to take off the mask. However this guy is a hell of a writer, and has a great little lad son.
(5. g.....Why does this person only have one letter in his road name.......he thinks it's abstract to have one letter in his name like Andy Wallhol, and besides who really can understand g when he writes post. Damn just when I think I have it .....I relize I don't. He is a stand up dude through. I bet someone once said ....hey what road name do you want, so he said......well g .......cool then g it is.
(6. fxrdude.....This guy could call himself fxrnanny for taking care of his kids....of course fxrdude sounds a little more macho. Hell of a guy through. I take my hat off to this nanny.
(7. Hambone......Holly shit of all holly shits......hambone to hear him talk the name is all about his unit.......It could have been finger bone just as well. Got to say this dude will go the mile to piss off the Dragon with his post.
(8. Hawk6351....now to look at this dude he appears pretty meak.......trust me don't fuc& with anyone with a road name of Hawk!!!
(9. Hoss1584.....Really how can one look at this road name and not think of Hoss on the TV show Bonanza. Hell this guy could be small but nobody but nobody will mess with a dude name Hoss. I know I wouldn't !!!!!!
(10. Lucky.....There have been a lot of men in time nick named Lucky........some because of there poker ability, and some because the rope broke during the hanging. All i know is this Lucky has a huge family that love's him. Maybe that is why they call him Lucky.
(11. Nuttyjoe.....Man when I see this name I think of the professor in back to the future........Why would somebody name themself NuttyJoe......I see this dude lane splitting at 65 MPH.
(12. Rex the Road dog......Look at this Biker's picture and you will say.....Bad to the bone for sure. I will tell ya he has his opinion, and he has no problem letting you know how wrong you are.....guess that is what I like about the Road Dog. Dude can take a killer picture as well.
(13. Seakers......This is got to be the most patient person I know.....he has no scooter but is in there giving his 2 cents worth every day ....I admire this bad ass a lot. Hang in the my Brother
(14. Tex1521.....Why would a Biker have a road name of Tex that lives in Kansas....why isn't it Kansas1521. Let me tell ya this is one tuff dude. old Roedo cowboy....tuff as they come. Just got through rehab (no not drugs) operation. He is back on his scoot now. Ride hard Brother.
I think it's pretty damn cool when you can take shot's at your Brothers and everybody knows it's all in fun........right guys.....right
The Night Dragon
Hey, I feel left out. WTF? lol
Ok Dragon, you left yourself out too, so part two needs to include TheExtreme and nightdragon give yourself a little time and you can probably come up with a few more too!
Hey, I feel left out. WTF? lol
To be HONEST brother; you are the ONE SOB here that I DON'T want to be on your bad side; You one big ugly fecker bro; you can have my spot as I got to baby sit most of the time and don't have time to be a badass anyway...LOL
All good brothers on the list and many more out there as well

I see a new game........................ Everybody post THEIR definition of "The NIGHTDRAGON" !!!!!!!!!!
I'll get the ball rolling............ IF (not that it's ever gonna happen) but if, I was ever in a bar fight and the odds were heavily stacked against me... I would want The Dragon as my wingman!!!!!!
BlvdCruiser wrote 5 minutes ago
I see a new game........................ Everybody post THEIR definition of "The NIGHTDRAGON" !!!!!!!!!!
I'll get the ball rolling............ IF (not that it's ever gonna happen) but if, I was ever in a bar fight and the odds were heavily stacked against me... I would want The Dragon as my wingman!!!!!!
Dirty Feckin Harry, "Do ya feel lucky punk..well, do ya?"
coming from a man that can send little blue fireballs dancing across the sheets and STILL get the babe............if it ever came down to it, if the shit hit the fan, (like those punks with the little old lady) you hollar, i'm there

BlvdCruiser wrote 5 minutes ago
I see a new game........................ Everybody post THEIR definition of "The NIGHTDRAGON" !!!!!!!!!!
I'll get the ball rolling............ IF (not that it's ever gonna happen) but if, I was ever in a bar fight and the odds were heavily stacked against me... I would want The Dragon as my wingman!!!!!!
Dirty Feckin Harry, "Do ya feel lucky punk..well, do ya?"
somehow i don't think many words would be spoken.

this wouldn't be getcha back for all the teasing about the little fireballs would it? lol!
Night dragon chilli's hot. Ring Burners are a gas nice and BLUE!!!
Keep it going ND.
ure a ***** ....lol
I won't take my mask off .......I am too ugly......don't want to frighten the kids...
When I was born I was so ugly the mid-wife slapped my mother

Don't worry guys there will be another version come out for the ones I left off. There is plenty more Bad Ass Dudes in the family.
Hey, I feel left out. WTF? lol
Hey there my Bad Ass Brother I think you were in version 1, of course my memory fails me at times these days
May 12, 2010 12:24 AM PDT
I'm finding this a bit sexist!!! Where are the badass women.......???
May 12, 2010 12:36 AM PDT
I'm finding this a bit sexist!!! Where are the badass women.......???
Great idea, I just sugested it on the other post like this one, but I say anybody that want's to chirp in on this can instead of me doing this deed.
Let's just start with sidetrack......Ok guys we all know sidetrack with that great smile of hers, but I would bet if you cross her you might find out what size boot she wears.....because it would be up your butt ......Bad to tha Bone
May 12, 2010 12:38 AM PDT
I'm starting to feel left out too, haven't been in either one. You'd think if anyone had a BAD ASS it would be the FartKing.
May 12, 2010 12:42 AM PDT
I'm starting to feel left out too, haven't been in either one. You'd think if anyone had a BAD ASS it would be the FartKing.
Now that is an argument well made there; who the hell would have more of a badass than "THE FARTKING"...
May 12, 2010 12:56 AM PDT
I'm finding this a bit sexist!!! Where are the badass women.......???
Great idea, I just sugested it on the other post like this one, but I say anybody that want's to chirp in on this can instead of me doing this deed.
Let's just start with sidetrack......Ok guys we all know sidetrack with that great smile of hers, but I would bet if you cross her you might find out what size boot she wears.....because it would be up your butt ......Bad to tha Bone
Did Rex tell you about my boot collection, Dragon? I
love my cowboy boots. Yesterday I got a new pair of steel toed boots for my new job. Now those would definitely do some damage. No less a stelletto heel imbedded in someones skull......I was taught a long time ago to use whats available.

I think Bullmoose needs to be at the top of the list today!
Night Dragon: Shoot first, ask questions later. HamBone: Shoot first and shoot big, the hell with the questions!
I'm finding this a bit sexist!!! Where are the badass women.......???
No such thing as a bad ass on a woman...or a woman with a bad ass .. OK. I'll just get my coat..............................
aye... all female ass is good ass ..........i think ?