February 11, 2012 6:48 PM PST
Gonna revive an old thread.
When I started riding i knew absolutely nothing. Took the MSF class 3 times before passing.( I actually could have passed on the 2nd try but thought I had made too many mistakes.) I knew no one who rode. Took this venture on all by my self.
My first ride was almost 300 miles of well planned easy roads. (Except for the fact I had never ridden more than about 20 MPH in a parking lot at the class!) I bought the bike in Napa, CA & lived in Truckee, CA at the time. I figured I bought the bike to ride so let's ride it home! To be honest I didn't think that was that far and this was normal.
Anyhow to make a long story short, I have since taken
Streetmasters Advanced Turning Clinic 2 x and have ridden almost 200K since 05.
I've gone 1/2 way across the country alone to meet up with other riders on our Victory forum and met the nicest people & seen some of the best America has to offer.
I chose riding because it's something you can do on your own or with friends. (I'm a long time skiier ~same thing).
Any lady (or guy) that wants to ride I highly suggest taking the
MSF class as has been suggested in eariler posts. Practice practice practice. Go slow if you need to but do it safely. Find some local roads with little or no traffic & go ride them back & forth.
Get some good gear. There's lots of nice ladies gear available nowdays. (I'm a gear nazi so always wear protective gear aka ATGATT ~ All The Gear, All The Time)
I also go out sort of regularly to a huge open parking lot & practice my skills I learned in MSF . I'm still real crappy at U-turns so I go around the block a few times! LOL )
I ride mostly with guys but don't care to ride as fast as they do. I always catch up. The big joke with me is I organize the rides & set a route & lead from the rear. I don't like getting my britches in a twist by racing around. I like to enjoy myself. We all meet up at certain spots.
Good to all you Lady Riders & don't be afraid to DO IT!
Oh ya, YOU pick your bike. Find one YOU like. Don't let hubby/ SO say this one is good for you. Only YOU know what you feel comfortable on. Go shop around at all the bike stores then go look for a deal on one you like. I started on a Yamaha V star 650 & now ride an 05(6 months later) Victory Kingpin which I love. Don't let the guys persuade you. GET WHAT YOU FEEL FITS YOU. Trust me, you will know.
Ride on!!!