October 25, 2010 12:33 PM PDT
Bikers just look the way they look, but in my opinion, it's the attitude that can intimidate people, mainly because those who are intimidated don't know any better. The "look" is because often times, it's necessary. Leather and boots are necessary for safety, at least for me.
What a lot of people don't realize is, that bikers are some of the most soft-hearted, compassionate, respectful, honorable, loving, loyal, protective, gentle, and amazing people they'll ever meet. I know, I married two of them (different times folks, different times, lol!)
People laugh at me but I call Ron my big, bald, beautiful, bad ass, tattooed, pierced, biker man husband. Because that's exactly what he is.
October 25, 2010 2:20 PM PDT
Oh what Dragon through yonder window breaks? With tats and chaps, is his ass bad or fake? Thou shalt know if the first step ye takes, but hither comes the death in thy wake. - a caffiened up DEFCON....
LOL ok. Seriously Great topic Dragon! I jst got into my hotel in Canada and have to go to work in 15 minutes, so I'll revisit the thread in the morning.
October 25, 2010 3:01 PM PDT
Bikers just look the way they look, but in my opinion, it's the attitude that can intimidate people, mainly because those who are intimidated don't know any better. The "look" is because often times, it's necessary. Leather and boots are necessary for safety, at least for me.
What a lot of people don't realize is, that bikers are some of the most soft-hearted, compassionate, respectful, honorable, loving, loyal, protective, gentle, and amazing people they'll ever meet. I know, I married two of them (different times folks, different times, lol!)
People laugh at me but I call Ron my big, bald, beautiful, bad ass, tattooed, pierced, biker man husband. Because that's exactly what he is.

all bs aside, i have seen the biggest badass of them all stop to tie a childs shoelace and wipe the childs face. and i have heard the word pedophile uttered at the sight of such kindness. the world is ******.
October 25, 2010 3:02 PM PDT
should i have spelled it another way?
October 25, 2010 3:03 PM PDT
Well Dragon, You know me. Not real intimidating, must be the leather I wear for protection or to keep warm. Or maybe it's the way I twist my leg 180 degrees to mount or dismount. That's kinda scary. I try not to do that in front of kids, don't want to traumatize them. If people get that impression of me, they'll just have to deal with it.
October 26, 2010 5:26 AM PDT
Wow this topic hits pretty close to home for me as I have a former son in law whose appearance will make you want to cross the street instead of walking any where near him. He has tattoos down his arms, neck, chest, back and also a demon on the top of his shaved head. He has piercings in his eyebrows, lip, nipples and personal places I wished my daughter would not have told me (ewww). He was at one time a very buffed and physically fit, broad shouldered man, handsome with piercing blue eyes. He is not quite in the same shape since someone decided to open him up with a bullet hole through one side and out the other. With that said I can tell you my opinion is (was) he keeps his appearance intimidating due to the fact that if you get under that "hard core" shell he is (seemed to be) a very sensitive and voulnerable young man. However I have learned in the past few years that "voulnerable" appearance was only an act and he turned out to be quite the minipulator.........not sure who the real person was only that at times he seemed like a terrific guy at other times he tried to minipulate everyone around him for his own gain and as it turned out he was just a dick with tattoos and holes in his face and body.......go figure.
As far as appearances goes, I dress how I like to dress, what makes me comfortable and feel safe when I ride.
I like the tough girl look. A little trashy, a little classy......my husband says I can always find something to buy because I buy things other women wouldn't dare wear. Over the years I've had people ask me if I was as tough as I seemed. The answer was hell yes. You don't survive my life without being/getting tough. When there is no one to depend on but you to keep you safe, you learn and you learn quick. I'm not as hard core as I once was and looking back understand why I had to be that way. Otherwise I would not have survived.
I've relaxed in the past few years taking different interest and definately running with a different crowd. Married, children, established business and of course adreneline junkie. I embrace the good and let go of the bad.
Life is good and I'm blessed to be here...............
October 26, 2010 6:15 AM PDT
You know right after I posted this subject I throught, what the hell were you thinking, but I think it turned out to be quite an insteresting subject, and it seem some needed to vent a bit. Hey folks that's what I'm here for.
October 26, 2010 6:17 AM PDT
Bikers just look the way they look, but in my opinion, it's the attitude that can intimidate people, mainly because those who are intimidated don't know any better. The "look" is because often times, it's necessary. Leather and boots are necessary for safety, at least for me.
What a lot of people don't realize is, that bikers are some of the most soft-hearted, compassionate, respectful, honorable, loving, loyal, protective, gentle, and amazing people they'll ever meet. I know, I married two of them (different times folks, different times, lol!)
People laugh at me but I call Ron my big, bald, beautiful, bad ass, tattooed, pierced, biker man husband. Because that's exactly what he is.
What for it's worth ......I think you two make a great couple, and seem to care a great deal for each other.
Night Dragon