December 23, 2010 12:07 PM PST
We all have our pets that we dearly love, even when they chew our shoes, drool on our carpet, pee on our clothes, and get into the garbage. They might annoy us or aggravate us, but we wouldn't trade them for the world. So here's your chance to post photos of four legged, winged, slithery or otherwise non-human family members that you just can't live without!
Our pets: Tabby, mom and dad's cat age unknown; Squeaky, mom and dad's cat, age unknown; Sami age 1 1/2, Punky passed at the age of 17; Aggie, age 18; Max, age 18 (brother and sister); Fluffy, mom and dad's cat passed at about 12 years of age; Belle, age 17, Shiloh age 13; Jasper, age 2; Buddy, mom and dad's dog, age 8; and Merlin, age 3. And our baby ball python Kamino aka Kaa, who is about 6 months old.
December 23, 2010 11:46 PM PST
In the pet dept. it was a ruff year for me.....I lost my two Cat's (that I've had for 16 years) to old age and diabetius (can't spell for crap) , and my Belgian Shepard (my drug sniffing partner) ran off because she got scared during storms. All we have now is Scooter our little shit's-u.
I get so attached to my pet's it takes a serious toll on me for several days or weeks, and if I ever saw someone mis-treating a pet, just give me 5 minutes with that person, I will then cuff myself, and call the police.
December 24, 2010 1:07 AM PST
Here is my Josie, who passed on in '07
And Riley my current companion and trip advisor.
December 24, 2010 4:18 AM PST
Rex those are great looking buddies.....and that is just what pets are...Buddies. I often wondered if the Lord gave the pets to us, or was it gave us to the pets.........Who cares I love animals of all kinds.
December 24, 2010 4:27 AM PST
Well you know I may look like a tough guy, but I have a very solf heart. My cat's that I loved for so many years, and in a way still with me.
Damn even now when I see these pictures .....I have to take a minute.
December 24, 2010 5:34 AM PST
Zoey, the labor faker
December 24, 2010 5:58 AM PST
This is Ralphie....RIP 
December 24, 2010 8:30 AM PST
This is Ralphie....RIP 
Good looking Buddy
December 24, 2010 9:09 AM PST
Dont have a pic that I can get to post but my dog "Dyna". was a gift 2 years ago, after her sister Harley was killed with a car. My little cuz ( then 3) gave her to me so I wouldnt be sad! My other dog, "ZOOM" is a collie, he's the best workin dog (sheep and cattle) that I have ever had. " Ozzy" is a stray that no one wanted so he claimed us, we love them all very much. Their gifts are under the tree, and "Dyna" is having trouble waiting! She is guarding the tree as I type. LOL If people were as kind and loving as my pets there would be better people in the world for sure!
December 24, 2010 9:11 AM PST
Almost forgot "Oliver" he is a little kitten that we have had for 1 year, he was also a stray that "Dyna" claimed as hers. We are thankful for him!
December 24, 2010 9:23 AM PST
I love the pics and the stories that go with them! And I too often wonder, were they given to us, or were we given to them? The lessons they teach us are immeasurable, the blessings even more so. I know it won't be long before we have to lose our Belle, she's 17 and we're seeing the signs. She's ancient for a big dog but until she tells us she's hurting and she's losing quality of life, she'll be with us. We have our Ashley down on the mantle, she was Ron's cat long before I met him. She was 14 when she passed. I never got to meet her, but I still see the love Ron had for her even today.
So, for all of our furry, fuzzy, feathery, or scaly family members... here and gone alike... Merry Christmas!!!
December 24, 2010 9:42 AM PST
This is Ralphie....RIP 
Good looking Buddy
Thanks ND...."Santa" dropped him off one Christmas Eve.....he was just a big furry puppy. Let him in the house and the first thing he did was go drink out of the toilet.....Ralphie was our guard dog for over 10 years.