I have no problem with someone being on my property, happens all the time around here. What I have a problem with, is the individual who comes into my home packing any kind of weapon and my rights as a legal and responsible gun owner being threatened or removed leaving me no recourse than to become a criminal in order to protect my family or those who can't protect themselves. Anyone who breaks into my home and threatens my family, IF they get by my dogs, better be ready to face my .40 caliber, if that's the one I pick up. That is if my kids or husband don't get to them before I do. Same in my car or on my bike or out walking. I want the odds at least evened out a bit.
We may sound like extremists, but when you've been shot, it makes you think a little differently about "gun control." Getting shot hurts. I know. My family has a lot of guns. We go out regularly with the kids and shoot on the range. We've taught our kids since they were little about gun safety and responsibility, and they are two very different things. If you go back in the prayers section, a neighbor kid of ours was shot by a foster brother when they were playing with a gun. That should have never happened, especially in the presence of "responsible" adults. Those kids weren't taught anything about guns, other than they're "cool." Guns are not cool or neat, they're deadly. They were designed to kill. Period.
In my line of work I've had guns pulled on me. I work in an ER and have idiots come in all the time drunk and armed. But I'm not allowed to carry a firearm or even have one on the property. That's what the law says. I abide by it. I can call 9-1-1 if I can get to a phone, but who knows how long it will take them to get there? And in the meantime, I have to try to talk down this individual while the rest of the staff gets the patients and themselves to safety. Why me? Because that's what I'm trained to do. So who's going to get shot? Me. But it's also a choice I make because it's what I do and I'm good at it.
Being a gun owner is a choice and for some, a very personal one. I don't argue with anyone who doesn't want to own a gun or shoot one, again it's a choice. So is drawing your weapon. So is pointing it. So is firing it. I've been on both ends of the gun and neither are places I prefer to be. But if I have to be, it's going to be on the butt end, not the barrel end.
Criminals aren't going to give up their guns and neither am I.