February 25, 2011 12:26 AM PST
So I'm going to vent for a second....
After looking at the radar this morning I see that the eastern half of the Country is green except for the oh-so-blue New England. So I peer outside on my front yard only to see three inches of fresh snow on my driveway...lovely. So to be sure that neither of us are late for work and arrive safe I have an all-wheel drive and my husband has a full size 4WD w/a plow. Yeah...we're ready...bring it on. So as we all know, Mother Nature has brought it this winter.
My commute into work is actually a very nice one; all back roads and through rolling hills. (Wonderful on the bike!) However, its so off the beaten path that its usually one of the last roads to get plowed. No biggie, take it a little slower, I got this! But it never fails, "the person in the Prius" has to pull out of his driveway making me make a quick reaction. He's all over the road. Then he realizes that his skill set or his POS car ain't up to the task and he must go 10 MPH. Seriously? Now I'm not one of those A-holes that has to go the speed limit (or faster) in bad weather because I have an SUV. I try not to be irritating to my fellow commuters and be safe while also getting to work on time. And yes, I also left my home earlier. But what I don't get are the ones who buy these cars that get 175 miles per gallon to save $5 on gas this week and then are a complete hazard on these roads in New England. After all the money that we've spent on studded snows, plow trucks, SUV's, etc....its just very frustrating to still arrive late because of someone elses incompetence and poor choice of winter vehicle.

So Mr./Mrs. Prius driver...my frustration will be released this spring as I go screaming around you with my new pipes.

Peace out!!!!!!!
February 25, 2011 5:13 AM PST
Go ahead and get it out. I know I've had enough of winter and the new brand of unskilled drivers out there on the New England roads. Hopefully some day soon the skys will clear the snow will melt and the layers of salt on the roads will disappear.Hang in there till then.
February 25, 2011 8:51 AM PST
I live on a back road and I thought I saw a plow truck go by. Our road is the last one plowed sometimes. Winter Go Away Please
February 26, 2011 11:09 PM PST
Looked out last night and it was snowing quite steadily. now it is turning to rain. Tomorrow is suppose to be HEAVY rain... oh joy. i think i'll go buy some straw today!