March 20, 2011 10:39 AM PDT
OK...Debrajo...This was your idea...LOL...
March 20, 2011 12:22 PM PDT
Looking good Randy,, no reason to be shy.. and I am proud of you!
March 20, 2011 3:54 PM PDT
Looking good Randy,, no reason to be shy.. and I am proud of you!
Thank ya Deb....You rock!....
March 20, 2011 9:41 PM PDT
one of me
March 21, 2011 12:46 AM PDT
g would know about gay calenders im guessing...Not that theres anything wrong with that
ayeeeeeeeeeeee. poof ,..erm boof ,any holes a goal ..

March 21, 2011 2:55 AM PDT
Good job Guys, Keep em coming! LOL
March 31, 2011 12:30 PM PDT
Yes keep them coming.
March 31, 2011 1:08 PM PDT
Matching shirt and bike maybe?
April 2, 2011 4:53 AM PDT
That bike is great and I love the shirt. lol
April 22, 2011 5:19 AM PDT
Here is still more time for you guys to get your pictures in.
April 22, 2011 7:12 AM PDT
shirts gay as **** ,,,and so 's the frigin t-shirt .
April 22, 2011 7:12 AM PDT
HEY BOOF ....................u gay min .lol
April 22, 2011 7:13 AM PDT
i recon he is likes .
April 22, 2011 2:15 PM PDT
Nice camo pattern BOOF, but pink???