"Lovers like Bee's make life sweet"...ancient graffitti written on a wall in the ancient city of Pompei..which brings to mind my other favorite...
"He Conquers who endures"..written by a Greek scholar in the 5th Century.BC..
all time favorite movie quote..""Badges?!?! Badges??!!..we don need no stinkin badges!!!"""..LOL..
not sure of the title of the movie?? crap I know the mad cow is already setting in !
Hey Blurplebuzz...
Gold Hat, as played by character actor
Alfonso Bedoya, also known as
the face that kills, in the John Huston directed classic
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948, starring Humphry Bogart, Tim Holt, and Walter Huston.
The film is the origin of a famous line, often misquoted as "We don't need no stinking badges!" (homaged in Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, also a Warner Bros. film). The correct dialogue is:
- Gold Hat (Alfonso Bedoya): "We are Federales... you know, the mounted police."
- Dobbs (Bogart): "If you're the police, where are your badges?"
- Gold Hat (Bedoya): "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Will Rogers
About a woman: "Never trust something that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die." ~My father-in-law.
"Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant." ~Unknown
33 days till the Kiwanis Original Redwood Run 2011 - highrisk 2011

One I use all the time.
Do you want the truth?, or do you want to feel good?...
Fill your hand you son of a bitch...The Duke
May 10, 2011 11:22 AM PDT
"My tendency to make up stories and lie compulsively for the sake of my own amusement takes up a good portion of my day and provides me with a peace of mind not easily attainable in this economic climate."--Chelsea Handler
Lead, Follow or get out of the way...but do SOMETHING!! - Maj. Duncan, USMC
one a my favorites- fix it til it breaks- (im a maintainer) --- and " Got TREATS?"
May 18, 2011 11:39 PM PDT
After over 40 years fixing thing.... "If it wernt for stupid, we would have no jobs".
November 6, 2011 4:19 AM PST
You can never be lost on a motorcycle as long as there is gas in the tank!
November 6, 2011 5:39 AM PST
you miss 100% of the shots not taken - wayne gretsky
November 6, 2011 11:01 AM PST
Well? Watcha gonna do? get up on yer feet n make foot prints in the sands of life or are ya gonna just sit there n make butt prints in the sands of life....
November 6, 2011 11:08 AM PST
There are things Known and there are things Unknown. In between there are the " Doors " Jim Morrison
November 6, 2011 7:30 PM PST
rplebuzz wrote...
"Lovers like Bee's make life sweet"...ancient graffitti written on a wall in the ancient city of Pompei..which brings to mind my other favorite...
"He Conquers who endures"..written by a Greek scholar in the 5th Century.BC..
all time favorite movie quote..""Badges?!?! Badges??!!..we don need no stinkin badges!!!"""..LOL..
not sure of the title of the movie?? crap I know the mad cow is already setting in !
Hey Blurplebuzz...
Gold Hat, as played by character actor Alfonso Bedoya, also known as the face that kills, in the John Huston directed classic Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948, starring Humphry Bogart, Tim Holt, and Walter Huston.
The film is the origin of a famous line, often misquoted as "We don't need no stinking badges!" (homaged in Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, also a Warner Bros. film). The correct dialogue is:
Gold Hat (Alfonso Bedoya): "We are Federales... you know, the mounted police."
Dobbs (Bogart): "If you're the police, where are your badges?"
Gold Hat (Bedoya): "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"
Does John Belushi in the SNL skit "Killer Bees" ring a bell?
November 6, 2011 7:33 PM PST
If you can't figure out how to laugh at "IT", "IT" will figure out how to kill you.
November 7, 2011 12:09 AM PST
MrsShy...the "Badges" reference? That came from Blazing Saddles. The Mel Brooks movie. I believe Clevon Little was the one who said it. Did I say IT? Will "IT" kill me? Ohhhhh noooooo......
Ride Free
November 7, 2011 5:20 AM PST
Sorry Tweek, MrsShy is right. The original "badges" quote is from Treasure of Sierra Madre by Alphonse Bedoya playing the bandit Goldhat.
November 7, 2011 7:28 AM PST
. ...There are three kinds of men... The one that learns by reading... The few who learn by observation... The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.. ~ Will Rogers
. . . .. . .. .. .....
November 7, 2011 1:00 PM PST
...A wee child toddling in a wonder world...I prefer to their dogma my excursions into the natural gardens where the voice of the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of birds...the rippling of mighty waters..and the sweet breathing of flowers...if this is Paganism..then at present..at least, I am a Pagan..
- Zitkala-Sa
. . ... . .............
November 7, 2011 10:09 PM PST
...He said 'the damndest thing he ever heard
was trying to learn to sing from a mockingbird'...
Guy Clark referring to Picaso in his song 'Picaso's Mandolin
November 8, 2011 12:32 AM PST
From Angel Eyes about Dragon.......If he can't fix it....he will Fu&* it up where no one can fix it!
Baby that was like a verbal paper cut!
November 8, 2011 2:54 PM PST
With in each of us lies an untamed spirit, a desire to be free- lets ride. Don't know where it came from. A guy I worked with in chicago always said it. He rode his bike year round regardless of the weather.
If it has wheels or tits - it will give you fits. My dad