Not riding all that a deck I'm in the middle of rebuilding, lawn mower needing repairs, and all neded to be done yesterday!
I've got too many "social engagements" on my schedule for the weekend. No riding.
But Monday I've got the day off and would LOVE to spend it riding. Unfortunately, I've gotta sit around the house waiting on the county building inspector to come around and sign off on the new carport we had installed. How much you wanna bet he (she) don't get here until the end of the day? Grrrrrrr !!
Its been cool, cloudy and wet here. I spent time cleaning leather with saddle soap today. Going to be wet tomorrow too and with no real destination in mind, why go get wet, cold and the bike dirty?
May 15, 2011 12:24 AM PDT
In late March I interrupted my one year RV trip to return home for the arrival of my latest Grand-child. (and did it gladly). The weather and other phenomena conspired to delay my re-departure until next Tuesday so I too am in serious need of some road time. First stop Ohio to see some new and old CF friends and local riding. Then working our way to Redwoods Run. YEAH!
i just managed to ride to and from work -- weather permitting- which has been sketchy to say least- so yer not alone tweek- lol take what 2 wheelin time ya can get- no rallies for me this summer- too damn busy-
God, you guys really know how to make a girl feel bad for bitchin'.....
May 15, 2011 10:36 PM PDT
Deener and I will be riding soon, We are just waiting for out pontoons and paddle tires to get here.......... Damn rain.........
Riding, not riding, riding, not riding! That is the pattern for the mountains of Idaho right now. Saturday it was 72, the ice was finally gone from Payette Lake and riding was the order of the day! Yesterday it never got above 40 and rained most of the day. Mid afternoon the rain changed to snow and that continued off-and-on over night. It is currently 30 degrees and has been snowing for about 2 hours! No bikes on the roads today!
Don't feel too bad Tweek. We've had great weather and I haven't had hardly anytime to ride this season yet. Got to re-think my priorities.
Up here in the Northeast we're looking at the start of a week of rain. Wet, squashy and leaving puddles everywhere is not fun.So your not alone.