August 26, 2011 2:52 AM PDT
You know I get tons of emails from people who find something on our site that may offend a person or group. They normally come from people who find some satisfaction in just searching for that one thing so they can jump up and yell about it. Now all of you know we work real hard to make sure no one is ever intentionally offended on CycleFish, but some of these emails I get are just a little to picky - in my opinion.
This morning I got this email from a visitor to the site (apparently a Sporty Rider) and for some reason just felt the need to reply.
Here is the email....
"Would just like to know are you always that rude when you post events? Ya ok sportser don"t get the big milage that others get Mine is 132 MPG. But dam I get so sick of people like you saying crap like that. I go on runs all the time I spend a lot of money doing these runs. Do you think maybe you could say it like (those of you that don't get long distance mileage might not be able to go the whole way) because the way you put it is rude, a total turn off to this ride! "
The ride he is referring to is this Ride911 Flight Crew Memorial Ride
So here is the response I sent...
Really, you got offended by THAT! “We do not stop during our ride (Sportster owners thats for you)”
First of all we did not write the description, it was sent to us that way by the promoter.
Second, It is a fact that many Sportsters have a smaller gas tank then a lot of other bikes, not an insult, just a fact.
Third, if we did use your statement of “those of you that don't get long distance mileage might not be able to go the whole way” , based on your logic we would have insulted everyone with a small gas tank.
And Fourth, if you will not attend this Great 911 Flight Crew Memorial Ride just because of this “Tongue in Cheek” statement - you need to re-think your priorities.
August 26, 2011 3:02 AM PDT
First off...good response! no matter what business your in there will always be people who look for things to be offended the saying goes "you can't please all the people all of the time".....and a smaller gas tank does mean you will have to stop more often to refill it..those are plain facts......sorry you have to read/deal with such petty problems....
August 26, 2011 3:06 AM PDT
Keeps you on your toes Lucky.. if it was easy to be you.. anyone could do it!! I look at it this way, if you please everyone and no one complains, then what are you going to do on your down time.. Have a good day my friend..
August 26, 2011 3:11 AM PDT
Number one...... He gets 132 MPG on a Sporty ?????????? Damn, Harley must be doin' something new !!!! Second, Wouldn't want to ride with someone with that attitude !!!!!
August 26, 2011 3:20 AM PDT
Damn Lucky, you insensitive SOB. I have a good mind to jump on my Sporty and get all my friends with Sportys to come out there and kick your a$$.
Never mind, too many gas stops to get there
Keep up the good work my brother
August 26, 2011 3:24 AM PDT
Maybe its my fault for not putting on the home page...
This Site Is Best Viewed Using: Common Sense 1.0
And It's Even Better if You Have: Sense of Humor 2.0
August 26, 2011 3:34 AM PDT
Wow, Really! Great reply to his letter Lucky! I ride a Sporty and would have appreciated the heads up!
But I wouldn't put up best viewed with Common Sense 1.0, you would scare off half your users... including me
August 26, 2011 4:08 AM PDT
Super come back Lucky....I've got a crap load of miles under this boney butt, and I've ridden with a lot of good friends that have sporty's. So what's the big deal if ya have to stop more often. Your in the Wind with Friends!!!!! When I lived in California back in the 70's I had a Sporty and I carried a gallon of gas in a can on the back sometimes. Back then the sporsters were know as Baby I painted a Baby Devil blasting out of Hell. I think I got the idea from a meat loaf album cover.
So Lighten up dude.......this is the best biker site out there. Just have a cold one and join in.
This is the Meatloaf album cover that gave me the idea of a Baby (with a diaper and horns) blasting out of Hell. Oh well guess you will just have to vision it.
The Night Dragon
August 26, 2011 4:57 AM PDT
Good answer Lucky. I don't think anyone has a gun to their head forcing them to join this site but the nice part about the Cyclefish Crew is we allow everyone to voice their opinion. Gotta go running out of Gas webby
August 26, 2011 5:04 AM PDT
Maybe its my fault for not putting on the home page...
This Site Is Best Viewed Using: Common Sense 1.0
And It's Even Better if You Have: Sense of Humor 2.0
August 26, 2011 5:06 AM PDT
Sporty??? What's that??? lol!
August 26, 2011 5:45 AM PDT
Offensive I found that line and the following one on the distance informative. You know how many times I have to ask how long a ride is. I always show up to a ride with a full tank (thanks to my sportester days). A little thin skinned they were along with a little too much starch in the shorts also. You reply was spot on so keep up the good work Lucky.
August 26, 2011 6:50 AM PDT
Yep, he is thinskiindd. Yep, good reply. Uhhh, get over yerself?
Okokok.... He was just speaking his mind. No harm, no foul Lucky.
JMO, you do a fine job,
August 26, 2011 11:38 AM PDT
He's probably been getting crap from his bros about riding a "girls bike". Sometimes I get the same stuff. For me, I always appreciate useful info including things like "the road is full of really large insects at this time of year, those without windshields beware".I still think my Ironhead kicks ass. Hopefully he gets over it and just rides.
August 26, 2011 11:44 AM PDT
To quote Ray Wylie Hubbard,"The problem with irony is not everyone gets it"
August 26, 2011 1:07 PM PDT
Damn with that kind of milage sounds like he is riding a scooter not a sporty but he is still going to have a "small tank" so maby that was what they were thinking of. Because I've looked at Sportys and the "Peanut Tank" is the first thing that must go because I want to ride. But I'm glad I'm not on a ride with them with that attitude we would not get a long very well.
But great responce back Lucky!

Getting a scooter... 4k-10k+

Getting to complain about it and annoy some one over the Internet.... $299+ (for the computer)

Getting told off to the person your complaining to politely.... PRICELESS

August 26, 2011 3:52 PM PDT
All the Sportsters I'd had always ended up with a larger tank, it was easy to sell the Sporty tank to someone building a chopper "back in the day".
August 27, 2011 12:33 AM PDT
August 27, 2011 3:15 AM PDT
I'm with GOFUR, I'll ride my Sporty out there, just to show it can be done! Sheesh, when we bought Sporty's, we KNEW about the mileage problem, so WHY would someone get worked up, hearing the truth??? Some people just have to complain about anything and everything. And I'd really like to know the "tweek" he used to get 132 mpg!!!
Unless he's burning rocket fuel, I just don't think that's possible, not on a 2.2 tank. But let's hope he is, so he can ride that sucker, right into orbit...lmao
Ride Free (take complaints with a grain of salt, Lucky)
August 29, 2011 8:30 AM PDT
August 29, 2011 12:24 PM PDT
I wonder if the original writer actually meant 132 miles to the tank of gas? Anyhow, that's about the mileage I put on my big ol' gas guzzling Nomad before me butt gets to wanting a break. So, I guess I shoulda bought a sporty so I'd have a reason to stop other than my old man achy breaky butt.
August 30, 2011 7:04 AM PDT
He probably meant 132 miles per tank.
So BFD, gas up when you need to and catch up.
(rode a Sporty for years)
August 30, 2011 8:44 AM PDT
Cry and snivel----I have a Suzuki C90 with the gas tank under the seat and 3.8 from empty to full and a fuel pump takin up space. I just have to schedual a Coffee break and fuel together...Can also get weather reports at the same time.. As like now--HOT AND SUNNY>