August 31, 2012 2:46 PM PDT
Thanks Lucky. My little shield on the FZ has the swirls, etc. I'll get some of that before buying a new shield.
August 31, 2012 11:16 PM PDT
As I remember most good quality shields have a UV blocking coating that is very thin. Polishing will slowly remove this coating and allow the lexan to discolor and craze even quicker. So once you start polishing you have to do it more often. You can polish out some minor problems but it is a short term solution. I recommend replacing it, as I just did for Rex. If your shield is new, do not clean it with anything abrasive, even mildly abrasive. A good clear glass cleaner and clean cotton cloths only.
September 1, 2012 4:14 AM PDT
Great point Mike. I did this only as a last resort to my old windshield as an option to tossing it. didn't even think about the UV coating at that time.
I just did a quick check on an old windshield in the garage using some MEK to ruin the coating. It appears that the windshield (at least a stock Road King windshield) has a coating on the back side only. So if you are going to try this ONLY do it on the front (outside). But I would still be careful as all windshields may not be the same!
September 1, 2012 6:26 AM PDT
Do you have to use a buffer or any mechanical tools ?
January 6, 2013 2:54 PM PST
Good tip again. Saved me from buying another windshield!!