October 28, 2011 2:21 AM PDT
OK all you crotch rocket fans just so I can talk crotch rocket smak with ya some day I got talked into a little spin around the FireBird track in Phoenix.
My son use to race professionally at Fire Bird in Phoenix (where he lives) and I use to go out some times and watch him race. So one day he say's to me ....hey Dad want to see what it feels like to race one of these. Of course I said sure (not wanting him to think I'm a woosh). Just so happens there is a Professional racer that gives 2 up rides around the track, at race speeds. The picture you see is us just coming out of a sharp turn for a long straight away. Notice the front wheel coming off the ground, we are approching 135 MPH at this point. I'm thinking holly shit I'm setting to far back on the damn seat, so now I'm probably making the driver smile, because I'm now tucked in tighter than a pair of jeans on a Hooker. Now we go from 135 MPH to about 85 MPH (to make the next turn) in about 20 feet. Now let me tell you when you make one of those turns I looked down (not sure why, I was already scared out of my wits) and my freaking knee is damn close to draging the track. You get 3 laps on the track, and it seemed like 30 to me.
So all you crotch riders out there the Dragon takes his hat off to ya, but I think I like the slow ride better.
Scared to death Dragon