November 15, 2012 2:10 AM PST
A boys voice will change when he turns 15-17 years pld, however a womens voice will change, as soon as she answers the phone.
The reason women cant fart as much as a man is because they dont shut up long enough to build pressure.
A man and his wife were driving past a herd of cows, when the wife commnets "theres your family", at which the man replies, "yep. Inlaws".
A man and his wife were driving a brand new car along interstae 50 when the car starts to sputter. The man pulls over, gets out, looks under the hood. gets back inside and state "thats 1. They drive for another 5 miles when it happens again. After looking under the hood again, they start to drive away, again the man states, "thats 2. After another 10 miles it sputters again. the man then pulls over, unloads everything from the car, stands the wife on the edge, then proceeds to push the car over the edge of a cliff, while exclaiming again, Thats 3. The wife then becomes furious, yeling obsenities at her husband. At this point the man turns to the wifre and calmly states, Thats 1.
Had some great laffs, thought I mite share a few.