April 13, 2010 6:10 AM PDT
fxrdude - I totally understand where you are coming from. In the Army there is Special Operations which consist of 82nd Airborne, Rangers, Delta and maybe a few others. And there is Special Forces which wear the Green Beret. They are called Special Forces not Green Berets. They have a tab on their shoulders that say Special Forces. The course to wear this tab last at least 6 months. Maybe longer. It has been a long time since I dealt with it. Took me a long time to understand the difference. Nobody in the Army can wear this tab or beret or carry this title unless they have been through the course. Don't know how they received that name but I do know that the Green Beret is a presidential citation awarded to Special Forces. You are all heros in my eyes, whether you are in the Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or anybody else who has helped to protect our country. My dad was Army/Air Corp in WWII rear tail gunner, my step-dad was Air Force and a Viet Nam veteran and both of my brothers served in Viet Nam with the Navy. A great uncle was a Marine in the early 1900's. My great-great grandfather was in the Civil War and died at that time. And I have a niece who is currently serving in the Army. Military runs in our family. My best friend lost a nephew 2 years ago in Iraq. My problem is the ones who try to say they are Special Forces just to make themselves sound better. I say be who you are and don't try to be somebody else. They were Rangers and should have been proud to say they were Rangers. I'm not trying to offend anybody just expressing how I feel.
Thank you for all you have done for our country and the sacrifices you made to help defend us. I know there were many sacrifices made too. I spent 20 years living with it eveyday.