March 13, 2012 5:56 AM PDT
<snip>Oh yea, don't wanna forget the lighting storm in SE Arizona between Patagonia and Sierra Vista, with no place put road to ride. Scrary poop.
I know that road - no place to hide from the rain on it, except maybe to pull into someplace in Sonoita (the Steakout wouldn't be a bad place to be stuck!). On the plus side - not that much traffic either, so not too many idiots to worry about sharing the road with. I ran into the same thing once in Indiana - the storm just popped up - went from clear and nice to pouring rain in about 10 minutes. Nothing but farms around, no bridges, no place to pull over. The sky got dark so suddenly, I was still thinking about pulling over and putting on rain gear, but the sky opened up first. The only good thing was that it was over in 10 minutes.