January 25, 2010 10:49 PM PST
Sing, it seems so often that there are many "church people" who think they will get to Heaven by going to church, not by living the "word"! We all know it's what's in your heart that matters; not what's on your back! Snobby people are exactly WHY so many others don't go to church anymore. I live in an ultra-conservative area of the Country, and belong to the Catholic faith. My kids attended our parish school, and I was very involved in their school and activities. I always go to every mass and other event as myself, not everyone else's idea of how I should be. I am fortunate that my fellow parishinoners welcome me anywhere at any time, no matter how I am dressed. God wants us all to live in harmony and be good people. Those who discriminate will learn their mistakes when they get to finally meet the "big Guy"!