OK, I sat here for the last hour or so and read this whole thread and now it's my turn to add my two cents. First off, the entire immigration problem can not be lumped into one solution. To coin a phrase, the problem is like an onion... it has many layers. The battle to secure our borders is not as simple as building a fence or shooting people that step over a barbed wire fence, although I believe a much larger border presence is needed as expressed by another.... If a person crosses the border someone should be there to greet them! Removing the incentive would go a long way to slow the tide, the hiring of illegal's by American business needs to stop. There are laws against that already on the books, also not enforced. shut down a few and fine the owners/corporations that run them and the message will soon get out there, DON'T HIRE ILLEGAL'S, (Don't worry about the lost jobs, someone will buy up these company's and start them up again). Let's get a real guest worker program in place, there is a real need for migrant workers but what we don't need are the workers whole family here, we can not as a society afford to pay for all of the benefits that their family costs in Health Care, welfare, schooling, etc... at the expense of lost benefits to our own citizens. We need to escalate the "WAR" on drugs. It's all in your face about the war in Mexico against the drug cartels, well guess what people... the American people are the root cause of that problem. Trying to stop the flow of drugs is a waste of time, not that we should give up on that but if you want to stop the problem stop the users. Make it economically painful to use drugs. The biggest percent of drug users are the casual user, maybe your one of them... a little weed, a snort at a party, you know what I mean... the social user! Well follow the line back people, someone bought that bag of weed from someone who bought it from someone and so on til the money ends up in some cartels hands. If you lose your job and your house, car, bank account, etc.... maybe next time you won't be so eager to buy those dime bags. Let's not load up the jails with these people, and again if this happens to some friends you know the word will get out and soon nobody is buying drugs and the demand will dry up. When the cartel can't sell any drugs anymore maybe they will start a real business and put some people to work building something! At any rate crime will drop, gangs won't need to protect there territory or try to expand by killing off the completion drive by style murdering innocent people along the way. I support Arizona in there efforts to control the border and for taking a stand against the Federal Governments lack of response and concern for the crises. Every border state has pressured Washington to no avail, something had to happen. I also applaud the many states that have jumped on the band wagon and if they all do NOBama will have no choice but to change his tune and we can all help by emailing your representatives. Only a solid voter turnout this November will help turn the country around. We all need to get "Mad as Hell" and stop taking it anymore. We are at a cross road right now and We the People must take our country back from the New World Order freaks, there's not much time left! OK I'm done....