Recent Entries

  • Favorite Places

    I woke this morning in one of those low moods where I just couldn't go to work, so I called in.  I'm sure the office is flipping out since I've only taken 2 sick days in 3 years and those two were last summer when I stayed home to pass a kidney stone.  Anyway as I sit here, I always try to...
  • ~ Never Judge Anyone ~

    I read this a while back and was touched by the message.  As a person that rides my own bike, I know I've been mis-judged as I'm sure we all have.  Enjoy the messge: A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed hi...
  • Part Words...

    After my husband of 25 years and I decided to go our separate ways, I was totally devastated.  All I could think was, “who would want to go out with a person that couldn’t make a 25 year marriage last?”  So, for a long time I didn’t date and pretty much kept out of ...