February 22, 2012 11:52 PM PST
WOW!!! Awesome! When I came on, I think the number was somewhere between 13 and 17K. Check me, Lucky. And I mention this site on my "other social network" whenever the occasion arises. Afterall, that's where I found Cyclefish, so it's only appropriate to "help" others. Personally, I think ALL other social sites, could take a lesson from this one. On personal interaction, on what "friendship" really means, and just on general principal. Lucky, what you and Laura have here, is a bonafied phenomenon. It shouldn't have to be this way, but I'm glad, someone, somewhere, took the initiative. Now, if we could have the "trickle down" affect, that would be awesome. That the love and respect we have for one another, could spread out from here, like ripples in water. And it starts with us.
I LOVE my CF family. Now I wanna share it. Nes'pa?
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