August 3, 2012 9:05 AM PDT
13 years old..... started working for a living, pushing a lawnmower down street after street looking over fences to see whose grass needs done, made just enough to survive on.....
14 years old..... got a car to carry lawnmower and other tools ( not legal to drive until 17yr old in UK back then, but hey, I had already been riding bikes on the road since I was 11 years old), had some regulars who I reckon just felt sorry for me, runty lil bstard I was back then, always looked hungry.....
15 years old..... cut someone garden and did a load of tree and bush pruning and flower bed ripping of weeds- guy he worked for was looking for a "Landscape Gardener", so I said "I Can Do It" - then I set up my first ever contract, as the guy lived in a 2.2 million house with extensive grounds, so I charged him plenty, he was happy with my work and price, then his neighbour looked over and asked if I would quote him, I did, 1st guy told me what to charge him.....
16 year old..... I had established 18 contracts in that area and I was making in a week what most trained and skilled craftsmen were earning in a month (It was close to Windsor Castle, they could afford it!!!) ... I was out drinking every night, I was smoking weed to try and chill and was using speed so I could do 3 days work in 2 days, using speed all week and coming down at weekends using mogadons from doctor, lol .....
17 years old..... I had 5 crews of 3 working for me, I had 5 - five ton flatbeds on the road all week doing maintenance work on all 18 gardens while I was running up new customers, I had a good living of over £600 a week in my own pocket, payed my crews another £600 total between them and had approx £600 in running and maintenance costs of the fuel for flatbeds, insurances and maintenances of all equipment etc...average wage for skilled person back then was around £50 to £60 a week.....
17 and half years old..... SOLD business, stopped using speed, drank a bit more and smoked a bit more.....started also smoking huge cigars.....
by 18 years old was a regular drinker, had 3 friends who were self admitting alcoholics, 1 drove and killed himself, 1 rode his bike into a streetlight and killed himself, I scared myself just one time...gave up drinking for over 10 years.....
By 21 years old I gave up weed and never touched it since.....
Over all those early years I earned way too much for someone my age to handle and it took its toll back then.....
28, sold 2nd business and retired (retired? Thats a laugh!!!) I think I was working harder than ever...started to drink in moderation as long as I was not doing any driving or riding whatsoever, anyway.....I could fill 5 pages with my crap.....
By the time I retired before starting with the jet trike I had retired for the 3rd I retire as a showman it will be 4th time...
suffice it to say, every bike rally or event, as long as I aint got to drive, ride or do shows when I get there, I will hit it hard on the thursday and friday and then maybe just one beer on saturday night and be ready to ride, drive the following day (sunday).....I will NOT ride or drive at all even if I only had one just aint worth it!!!!!
11 of us started on the road at 13 years old, by 18 years old 3 were dead, by 22 years old 5 were dead, since then? There is only 2 of us left.....My last beer? Last July 15th 2011, miss it? Naaaaa, never even think about it for any reason.....
Drink and Drive and DIE!!!
.......and, uh oh, there I go with the "Limey 2 Cents" again.....
August 3, 2012 9:24 AM PDT
Boy does this topic hit close to home. I quit drinking 12 years ago. Haven't had a beer/alcohol since. It was a matter of life or death for me. I was either going to get raped, beat up or killed at the hand of a stranger or so called friend or get mortally wounded in a bar fight, take someone out on the road or take myself out. I was/am a spiteful drinker. It was a lot of "Oh yeah, F you, watch this". I was very unhappy in my life and marraige and I realized I had 3 choices. I could leave it, drink myself to death because it was driving me nuts or realize "it is what it is" learn to deal with it and go about my business.
I was fortunate I found racing and quickly found out I could do one or the other very well but not both. I only ran 1 race on a hangover and hated it. It was during that time my Aunt passed away. She had always heard of my wild ways but never really witnessed it first hand. My thoughts were she had a better view of my behavior from heaven and I don't want to disappoint her. For whatever reason that has helped me.
I've only had a few occasions before this past year that drinking didn't enter my mind. Unfortunately with my husband going through his "mid life crisses" and acting like a frat boy I am up to my wits with stupid behavior. It's hard to sat back and watch your husband of 26 years turn into someone you don't even know (or like) and having to quit socializing because I'm just not that much into being humiliated and embarrassed. So yeah, I guess the thoughts of drinking are creeping back into my mind mainly because I'm pissed off and disappointed. Having said that, it is up to me to choose if I'm going to cross that line.
There's a lot going on in my life right now. My Mom is terminally ill and half way across the nation and I just found out my sister has Lukemia. It would be nice to have someone to lean on for support. Least of all, if my husband is not going to be supportive I wish he wouldn't add to the pressure. The "it is what it is" technique worked for 12 years but don't seem to be working right now. Enough is enough and I have more important issues to deal with.
As far as the test, staying clean and taking it could save you grief in the future. Hoping my sister has early stages and can be treated.
Do whatever it takes to take care of yourself.
August 3, 2012 10:47 AM PDT
RACE ANGEL..... Stay Strong! You are one powerful person, just by what you written there you have proved it in the past, you can do it again, you can get past all of the crap and still be you ok? You know it.....
.....and besides.....You have loads of friends on here...lean on them a bit ok? I am sure none would mind...wish I was a bit closer, I would come and give you a challenge race or two, I am sure that would help you focus...
Lukemia is totally controllable now with tablets, I will find out what they are called for you.....
August 3, 2012 12:48 PM PDT
All I can add is, with me, with Booze,I lose,there's no hope with dope,and the herb is superb.
August 3, 2012 12:54 PM PDT
Hang in there girl. Like they say, there's no problem that drinking won't make worse! I work at a rehab center, and see the devastation on a daily basis. Please use your friends instead of using something else. If you want to meet some people who will definitely be there for you try an AA meeting. Best bunch of knuckleheads ever! lol Also use your higher power, whoever or whatever that my be. Good luck, and please stay in touch!
August 3, 2012 5:41 PM PDT
I was more of a pothead and hash under glass type girl. Then I began with the drinking, and didn't even notice how quickly my drinking was increassing. I don't know what made me slow down with the drinking but it just occured naturally. Could it be how many times I was pulled over for but never enough to get charged with DUI? Could it be the countless number of friends I've stood by their grave sites? I don't mean the party that hit them was drunk nor did they do wrong, just the friend was loaded and didn't think their actions through. I don't mind being a DD, I do it on a regular basis for a friend. I'm a slow drinker now a beer an hour is about right for me, usually have water and a beer. I can't say I remember being down when I was drinking, I remember being the life of the party, but I do know if I get in the mood and someone drops a bottle of Jack and some coke in my hand I still am the life of the party. I don't know Jack makes me all crazy always has and always will. So when riding a beer or two maybe none. The ride is my high now and I don't want anything to interfere with my ride. have a great day! "T"
August 4, 2012 2:14 AM PDT
I grew up with a raging alcoholic..i saw the very worst a person can be on it..including telling the teacher at school i "fell down the stairs again" to explain a new bruise or black eye.......i have only drank to excess a few times in my life because of it....and always with good friends that i KNEW i could trust..i do drink a beer or two on the weekends or in the afternoon, i drink a glass of wine at night before bed..not every night, but it helps me relax and sleep..and if i am with friends and not driving anywhere i will do the the rum and o.j...i have a limit of each type of drink and i stick to past has shown me what it can do if it gets out of control....and i will never let myself become "that person"......Race have a great support system here..we are family.....take advantage of it....
August 4, 2012 2:36 AM PDT
Drank like a fish when I first retired.Had to kinda cut cut back.I'd wake up about 0600 have a cup of Irish coffee and then start drinking.It's no wonder it would take me half a day to service my bike.
August 4, 2012 6:46 AM PDT
WOW! What a bunch of... support, personal stories and "How I handle it". Thank you all for sharing, esp Ms RaceAngel.
I have talked to alcohol counselors, my psych conselor and my friends. I took the 'Alcoholic Test' and passed with flying colors! Well, if you consider that of the 10 Q's, I answered 3 with a yes... Soooo, I know that there is a 'person' inside me that has a problem...
With that said, I would classify myself as a 'Maintenance Drinker'... I like the feeling of a buzz but hatehateHATE being drunk, so I very seldom go there... I know that I am able to have one and stop there. I have done it regular and still do, so wth? I asked my Lady Dove what she thought about my drinking. Her answer was "It's fine. You don't change, you don't attack me or what I think. You don't drink and drive/ride. You are still a kind and funny person so no, I have no problem with how much you drink."
So, to sum it all up... I drink less now than at any time in my life, I have to be aware of when and how much I consume and I should probably quit for periods of time, so I can reassess my feelings.
Thank you to all that replied, stay strong in your resolve and remember that no one else can tell you whether you are an alcoholic. YOU are the only one that decide that.
edge "OnlyMe" walker
August 4, 2012 9:35 AM PDT
Edge, I have a question for you. Ya don't have to answer but one thing I noticed is this the extremely gift people in this world end up abusing themselves in one form or another. Is it possible that your looking for a creative way to express yourself but feel your sealed in a place that won't let you? I don't with the gal, or home I mean with in you, I have a number of artist friends and well when they feel trapped cause they didn't choose the medium or method it seems to make them crazy in a sense. That's why I ask...........have a great one "T"
August 5, 2012 6:38 AM PDT
Refrained from commenting on this thread – because – because there was nothing I could add.
Never was tempted by street drugs (Will leave out the unsuccessful attempt use hash that resulted in a burned mustache, followed by a moody, moonlit ride & great memories.). - Would rather suck up the pain than use prescription meds (there have been exceptions)
The pleasures of alcohol are not unknown but most use involves trying to sleep – Two fingers to get to sleep & four to make it to dreamless sleep.
But Tumbles is on to something. Might be hardwired into us –
Some, Edgewalker for example, string words together artfully and tell righteous good tales, the next best thing to being there, hard to do without a muse.
Some like the brittle edges of physics and it is hard to conjugate Bessel functions or work Laplace transforms with a snootfull.
Motorcycles is a place where these archtypes can meet. Physics are what keeps the contrivances from hitting the pavement but the sensations are not those encountered moving about with ones spine perpendicular to the horizon. – The artist must be acutely aware of the mechanics & the mechanic finds a muse.
When I drink with the intention of becoming intoxicated is usually upon the death of someone I well knew. – Don’t drink to numb the pain, do it to search thru the cervices of memory & bring up all the pain possible.
August 7, 2012 3:11 AM PDT
Wow! Deep thread., I like it.
So, here goes. I'm just gonna say it, I like to drink. I wouldn't call myself an alchoholic though, as I don't go to meetings. LMAO. I'm not going to blame my parents or fault some experience that changed my's all me and my decision. (Not judging...just talking personally). But I do enjoy it. Like, Lucky said...pretty much if I'm going to drink...I get drunk. It's not really a conscience decision ("Oh! I've got to get hammered tonight!"), I just find myself with another full glass. (Vodka and Tequilla are my drinks of choice). FYI, hubby and I have no kids and consider ourselves "single" in that respect. We also do not allow drinking to affect our jobs, plus we're funny drunks and get along together.
Just until recently, hubby and I have tried to make an honest effort to actually cut back on the week days, i.e, nothing...cold turkey. Last September he was hospitallized for pancreatitis. It was quite painful for him and it made me so sad to see him go through that; I want him around for a long time. That being said the doctor's said that a lifestyle change was in order....NOW. So, that brings us here, almost a year later. I'm trying to support him on the week days and I must admit, we feel better (shhhhh!), and we've dropped some weight. Who knew?
As far as drinking while riding or even in the car. We've of course had a beer while out...mainly for the social aspect. But I will save the shots for the evening home.
By the way, I really appreciated hearing everyones candor. There's a good bunch of folks on here.
August 8, 2012 12:51 AM PDT
Jill, doe hubby know that continuing to drink can possibly kill him? Pancreatitus is irreversible. Once the damage is done, continuing the alcohol is a very dangerous practice for him. Note the following:
The condition is most often caused by alcohol abuse over many years.
You may lower your risk of new or repeat episodes of pancreatitis by taking steps to prevent the medical conditions that can lead to the disease:
Do NOT drink too much alcohol. (In his case, quitting altogether, would be best.)
Acute pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, a serious emergency with no specific treatment. The pancreas, a digestive gland, can become inflamed for many reasons, but mainly as a complication from gallstones or excess alcohol intake.
I'm passionate about this because I've lost two very dear friends over it. Even if you think you are doing
something in moderation, over a life-time, the long term effects, can have a terrible outcome.
Not preachin'...just teachin', K?
Ride Free

