January 28, 2016 3:19 PM PST
It's been so long now, and my body is most def, NOT what it once was...
But you know what? If I got another Sporty, sometime soon? I'd risk it all.
I'd take that ride. I'd live with the pain (like I do now, for no apparent reason), and I'd ENJOY LIFE!
Jesus has shown me how to be content in my circumstance.
If I were BLESSED with another BIKE?
Everytime I'd throw a leg over her...I'd not return to the barn, without
tellin' folks what HE has done for ME.
And askin' them, if they would like to meet Him.
RIde Free

January 28, 2016 6:02 PM PST
I had some good times on my Sporty. I have a great story bout how I got it....but this isnt the forum for that. I have owned a bunch of bikes....had fun with All of em!
Luv my current ole gal....shes been good to me. Bought her from the orig owner w less than 23K on her, she Will roll past 200K this summer. While Im prepared to buy another...Im not ready to yet. Bikes that fit will find you.
Tweek...keep hope alive, stranger things have happened. Be safe and get in the wind.