January 25, 2018 8:42 AM PST
I agree with both Lucky and Rex on this one. I would also add that I would never buy a helmet mail order without first having tried it on in a store. Helmets vary in size, construction materials and shape. One model Shoei might fit well whereas another model (also Shoei) might not. And when shopping for a new helmet, it is a good idea to wear that prospect for 30 - 45 minutes shopping around the store if possible. This will give it time to settle in and any "hot spots" will show themselves. As an example, My wife really liked a certain helmet. When it came time for replacement, we just ordered a new one. Well, in the 3-4 years since the original had been purchased the company had changed things and the new helmet no longer fits the same. Now looking for "another" helmet for her (another $150 to $200).
This post was edited by RufCut at January 25, 2018 8:42 AM PST