April 5, 2016 6:46 AM PDT
So what have I been doing since 7 a.m.? Aside from a trip to the hardware store I spent the morning finishing up the back gate. The finished view is from the road behind my house. Notice that I didn't cover the entire metal gate with wood. I didn't want it to be so heavy that it would eventually sag. But I didn't want folks to come by and easily see what I have in my backyard. They'll have to get down on their knees to do that. From a 14' heavy-as-hell wood gate I went with 10' gate and a 4' walkout door. Gypsy likes to walk the back road. Me? I'll ride to pick her up when she can't make the full journey.
I needed to get this thing finished. In another week or two it's going to be humid as hell outside and I have to get on with putting in three new ceiling fans before the attic becomes blistering.
It may not be pretty but it works.