February 12, 2010 8:36 AM PST
Bad ass bikers...I've said this before, they laugh at us 'cos we are different, we laugh at them 'cos they are all the same. You may not like my bike mister but, I'll bet your wife/daughter would like a ride. ya! I ride hard, I live hard, I drink hard, but if a person needs help I'm a soft touch..I am what I am , and will make neither excuse nor apology for it.If some day it catches up on me and they pull bits of me from a smash, or maybe hose whats left of me down a drain, then at least i will have gone without looking at my teeth in a glass at my bedside, worrying where the bedpan is...dignity and respectability do not cover dresscode
February 12, 2010 8:38 AM PST
Bad ass bikers...I've said this before, they laugh at us 'cos we are different, we laugh at them 'cos they are all the same. You may not like my bike mister but, I'll bet your wife/daughter would like a ride. ya! I ride hard, I live hard, I drink hard, but if a person needs help I'm a soft touch..I am what I am , and will make neither excuse nor apology for it.If some day it catches up on me and they pull bits of me from a smash, or maybe hose whats left of me down a drain, then at least i will have gone without looking at my teeth in a glass at my bedside, worrying where the bedpan is...dignity and respectability do not cover dresscode
Well stated dude
February 12, 2010 8:40 AM PST
Bad ass bikers...I've said this before, they laugh at us 'cos we are different, we laugh at them 'cos they are all the same. You may not like my bike mister but, I'll bet your wife/daughter would like a ride. ya! I ride hard, I live hard, I drink hard, but if a person needs help I'm a soft touch..I am what I am , and will make neither excuse nor apology for it.If some day it catches up on me and they pull bits of me from a smash, or maybe hose whats left of me down a drain, then at least i will have gone without looking at my teeth in a glass at my bedside, worrying where the bedpan is...dignity and respectability do not cover dresscode
February 12, 2010 8:45 AM PST
Hey I am a Bad Ass Biker! Got the pic of it to prove it.
I saw that pic...ONCE was ENOUGH!!!

ROTFLMAO that was a good one!
February 12, 2010 8:53 AM PST
I don't know about all yous guys and gals but I can't wait to set around in a big circle in KY sipping on some cold brew and laughing our asses off and just acting stupid. Hell yea
February 12, 2010 10:10 AM PST
So long as HDB brings me my Scotch! Oh hell who am I kidding. I'll bring it myself! Lemme see... Women in skimpy outfits, mud wrestleing, and cold beer with good people. I'm all in!
February 12, 2010 10:46 AM PST
Mm a member of three other sites loooooooooooooooooooooooong before the greatest show on earth, the Lucky and Laura show..."Cyclefish" came along. What really sealed the deal for me on this and I knew I was in the right place was the acceptence ya'll/we made for our Brother "Seakers". Now, I ain't tryin to embarass the Seak but this man don't have a bike, dosen't ride one as best I can tell, yet his herat and loyalty to this group seems as strong as any. Most sites I have joined and visited I'm willing to bet my left nut would not have given the welcome and acceptence all you hard asses did; that says a lot to me brothers and sisters. Also, debrajo is right, I don't agree with Lucky's rules of no posts or threads on politics and feel we as adults SHOULD be able to discuss ANY subject as reasonable adults, but I do after thinking about it realise not all adults are always reasonable and because Luck pays his bills off this site who am I to push the issue. I could have got pissed and left, but felt the brother and sisterhood of this site much stronger than my selfish need to have my way. Without a doubt folks, and I MEAN this; this site is the best and the folks here make it what it is...Love ya all my brothers and sisters.

Very nicely put fxrdude, I have seen the Keyboard "bullys" I just laugh at them because they are tough behind their keyboard every one here seams REAL and some of the other sights I have seen and been to just are like dating sites and morons. and if your not riding a certain bike your an outcast one way or another. On here not having a bike as of yet dose not make me an out cast one way or another. Yes im parshal to crusers and H-D's but your bike style or kind makes no difference and it is ALL like minded people not just 1%ers, Sport bikes or want to be's. And im not cast out for not having a bike because im not a "Well off" (or RUB) and to me that is one of the main reasons im on here so much!
Be Safe out there!
February 12, 2010 10:54 AM PST
I don't know about all yous guys and gals but I can't wait to set around in a big circle in KY sipping on some cold brew and laughing our asses off and just acting stupid. Hell yea
Sounds like a plan ND, can't make it this year but maybe meself and Dyna can start working something towards 2011..................its just that we need to convince our wives that they would not really enjoy it,
February 12, 2010 12:07 PM PST
I don't know about all yous guys and gals but I can't wait to set around in a big circle in KY sipping on some cold brew and laughing our asses off and just acting stupid. Hell yea
Sounds like a plan ND, can't make it this year but maybe meself and Dyna can start working something towards 2011..................
its just that we need to convince our wives that they would not really enjoy it,
Better you than me Brothers; all i can say is I'm rootin for ya ta pull it off 
February 12, 2010 12:32 PM PST
I think my pic shows who I really am..... A laid back kind of guy that takes it as it comes. What do you think NightDragon?
February 12, 2010 12:42 PM PST
I don't know about all yous guys and gals but I can't wait to set around in a big circle in KY sipping on some cold brew and laughing our asses off and just acting stupid. Hell yea
Sounds like a plan ND, can't make it this year but maybe meself and Dyna can start working something towards 2011..................
its just that we need to convince our wives that they would not really enjoy it,
Just tell em' I'll be there and they'll never come with ya!