March 3, 2010 12:28 PM PST
I'm pretty new here, but doubt I will be new anywhere else because of the caliber of the people associated with this site.
If your like me, you don't play well with others who are shallow or fake. That means, for the most part, you don't play well with others in general. What I am finding on here is a group of people who are real, whether it is positive, negative, inspiring or annoying. Real people are rare and only other real people are able to comprehend the worth of connecting with like minded individuals. It would be nearly impossible to have met people such as yourselves in numbers like this 20 or 30 years ago simply because of geographical seperation. There's a reason for the saying "you can count your true friends on one hand". Back then you were stuck with who lived in your area and the gene pool is too diluted in any one area to meet more than a few people with character.
I have only shared comments with a few people, but have read enouhg to know that there is a protective dynamic among you that culls out the chaff and wants to offer goodwill to others like yourselves. Not because you think you are superior, but because you are a group of people who share a free and positive spirit that is expressed in your love of bikes and those who assume the moniker of BIKER for the right reasons.
I'm a biker for me. For the satisfaction I get from the experience of the ride, the introspection I can get lost in as the white lines turn into "where I met this friend or that character" and all the people I meet along the way who share my reasons for being a biker. Not as a status symbol or pseudo-personna or a protection or intimidation mechanism.....
Very good site...looking fwd to the meet ups that will alow me to know you as people who I keep in contact with on the web and not just screen names who seem an awful lot like me and my wife.
March 3, 2010 12:42 PM PST
Big Hambone and Little Hambone both going to be at Meet and Greet, Holy Shit now i'm scared,drunk or not! LOL
March 3, 2010 2:35 PM PST
I, too, had looked at other "biker" sites, even had a couple recommended to me by friends. But after perusing some of the posts on those, compared to this--there was no contest! Here I found REAL people, the kind of people that know that being a "biker" is just a part of who you ARE, as a person, and there is a whole lot to a person! I am glad to be here and glad to count you among my friends.
May 11, 2010 11:40 PM PDT
Hey Big Man Extreme; you was second on the 1st list...Your in elite company...LOL
May 12, 2010 12:24 AM PDT
hey fxr you went way back to find this one.......
May 12, 2010 12:29 AM PDT
Maybe it's time for a Bad Ass Biker Chick list, however I will gracefully bow out from doing that list......any takers, Hambone.
May 12, 2010 12:30 AM PDT
hey fxr you went way back to find this one.......
LOL...I forgot about this one untill you mentioned it on the other thread; and a job it was to find it...
