Maybe we could get Obama to tour America on an HD to show support for American made products.......Yea when Monkeys jump out of my butt
CAREFUL.....remember what happened in "Bruce Almighty".................

While the clothes are being discussed I agree. I have only one item of clothing that says Harley on it and they are my T shirts. NOTHING ELSE! And then only ones I have ridden to with special names, IE, Bear-tooth, Rough Rider etc. I stopped even looking at the clothing back in the mid nineties when I saw they were made overseas and WAY over priced.
i don't think H D is losing too much money! The shop that i bought my bike from is moving new iron into the showroom two or three times a week, because they sell everything coming in. The day i bought mine, they probably sold 6 bikes while i was there.
I realize labor is far cheaper in China, but we are not paying basement prices on this stuff either. I actually asked one of the shop owners why all the cloths come from China - their answer was that "we can't dye leather in the U.S" which was news to me in the first place...but then what about the rest of the stuff - textiles, t-shirts, denim, leather bags, etc.
Maybe we need to start firing e-mails to HD or invite them to read these comments.
- just venting
When a company get so big that pure profits are more important than anything, this happens. Buy cheap shit overseas and sell at inflated prices here. Whether you ride a Harley or not, whether they have a lot of foreign parts or not, Harley Davidson is still an American iconic symbol. They should stay in Milwaukee at damn near any cost.
I had heard a "Rumor" that Harley was thinking about selling and that Honda was looking at them (Came from a mechanic at our local Harley shop). Wonder IF that happens if they will change the name to Honda Davidson. This is just another fine example of "The Selling Out Of America"........
Gee, maybe HD should have kept their focus on being American bike builders rather than becoming banking, GMAC wannabes. Ridiculous. They lost their focus long ago and this is the result. A business plan, yeah... not a Master Plan. Yes, they should be kicking themselves in the @ss for losing their focus on the American spirit and passion. Ole Will, perhaps, lost sight and the meaning behind it all. What a shame. JMO Like Sarge, I might just be looking at another manufacturer..., but man, I love drippy, rich chrome...
I am a Harley owner and I do have 1 major gripe with HD - for the prices they charge for motorcloths (and some other items)...why the hell do they all come from China??
I am sorry but HD is supposed to be "American" so how about we keep it American and stop the support of the Chinese takeover of our country. They already own most of the debt.
Harley Davidson - I hope you listen here and hope others get on the band wagon, let's get HD being an American company again and keep the money here supporting jobs for our people.

Pretty close to EXACTLY right Bulldog
I also hope they get back to making their clothes in the USA. I bought a Tee shirt and after one wash the sewing was coming apart. Not a happy camper. Have many Tee shirts and other clothing but all made in CHINA and not HAPPY at all. Pay top price for cheap CRAP.
You know, ..... there are so many rumors floating around about Harley that it's hard to figure what to believe! I have been told that most of the motorcycles are built either in Kansas City, Mo. (where my FXD was built) or York, Pa. with the Milwaukee plant building chassis' and engines. Harley has been downsizing Milwaukee for years so for them to consolidate more wouldn't be surprising. Unfortunate, but not surprising. Today's business outlook requires that all manufacturers be as cost efficient as they can. The Harley dealers here in Fla. are selling bikes. Not as many as before the economic crunch, but they are selling. It's hard to even imagine Harley selling out to a foreign company considering how hard they worked to get out from under AMF!
I totally agree that Harley should focus on being as much AMERICAN built as possible. Many of their accessories come from China and the quality leaves allot to be desired.
Maybe we could get Obama to tour America on an HD to show support for American made products.......Yea when Monkeys jump out of my butt
never know! fireball! on another note, if they do choose to move operations out of the country, i'll never buy another one.

Polaris is selling out a Wisconsin Engine plant in Oseola. 500 employees loose jobs to Mexico. They made rv and Victory engines for an Iowa assembly plant and Snowmobile engines for Roseo Mn. Opened in 1999 close by 2012. Made in the USA kinda maybe. Sorry I can't say more and be civil.
For the prices they charge us for our bikes, and parts, they ought to give us better prices on the shirts, jackets, hats, etc. I was in one of my local shops today. I picked up a ball-type cap to buy, nothing special, just a ragged lookin cap that had Harley Davidson on it. Twenty five bucks on the tag, tossed it back on the shelf. Come on H D give us a break!!! Somebody correct me if i'm wrong here. We are spending American Money, right!!! What's wrong with expecting" AMERICAN" Merchandise? Keep H D American, made in U.S.A.
H D has had a long and good run on bike sales. No real new innovations other than the V-Rod in the past few years has hurt them. The Rocker C was about the only other significant new thing, and I personally don't like the looks of it. Lots of used bikes flooding the market have also hurt them. If they start getting more parts and assemblies from overseas, they will be sealing their own coffin. Like many previous writers stated, it's really sad to go into the "American Made" dealer and pay $25 bucks for a cheap ass hat made in China, by sweatshop labor, that cost HD less than $5. But then again, HD riders have always paid for the name. That's why I build my own bikes. I'm not paying for a name.
All they have to do is build a decent bike like Europe and Japan does. If a man could buy an American made bike that could keep up with the rest of the world they would. It's a damn shame America can't do it.
May 21, 2010 11:49 PM PDT
Harley-Davidson reported $33.3 million in profit in the first-quarter of 2010, a 72% decline from the same period in 2009. So why do they need to cut $54 million bucks in production costs?