Thoughts and prayers for the entire family. Please keep us informed Lucky.....
Ahh Carmen. We are all thinking and praying for this to go well for you. Lucky and Laura, we include you in our positive thoughts. Poor little Carmen, such a sweetie.
Our prayers include your family.
You are all in my good thoughts! Love to you all!
praying everything goes well for your family. stay strong, be positive.
You're all in my thoughts.
All the best for Laura's Mum.Y'all take care and dont stress to much..CHEERS BOOF
Prayers out Lucky to you and family May Gods Light Shine upon Carmen and guide the surgeons to success.
Thank you all so much for the prayers and positive thoughts... I have passed them along to Laura and her mom.
They are just now taking her in for surgery and we will know that everything is ok around 6pm. It's going to be a long 4 hours now.
She'll be right as rain mate.....Give Laura a big Aussie hug from Marni and me mate.....CHEERS BOOF
Surgery was a success and Carmen is stable and resting.... What a Day!!!!
May 26, 2011 10:48 PM PDT
Glad all has gone well. Thoughts and prayers for a very quick recovery and big hugs to everyone (o:
May 26, 2011 11:11 PM PDT
Great News Lucky
May 26, 2011 11:12 PM PDT
Great to hear everything is going well
May 26, 2011 11:46 PM PDT
Woke up to hear great news from the left coast..
Glad to hear things are going according to plan. I hope your MIL comes thru all this just fine.
Great news Lucky. Prays for a speedy and complete recovery !!!!
Surgery was a success and Carmen is stable and resting.... What a Day!!!!
Good Deal!
The power of prayer is a mighty thing.
Laura wanted me to pass along her thanks to all of you for your prayers and thoughts. Yes John there is a lot of power there!
Carmen is still resting and Laura is on the way to the hospital to be there when she wakes up. So far everything is looking good, but there is still quite a bit of recovery and she will be staying in the hospital for at least 4 more days before coming to spend a few weeks with us... where she gets me as her nurse!!!!
Thanks again everyone!
Surgery was a success and Carmen is stable and resting.... What a Day!!!!
So happy to hear she is ok, how is Laura? Did she survive the day ok?
Great to hear. Now you all can relax for the long weekend and recover.