November 2, 2011 11:48 PM PDT
. ....when I lived back in jersey me and my riding buddy johnny would ride all year round as long as the roads were clear....I remember once it was around 14 degrees out when we headed out across the bridge in to Pennsylvania...stopping at red lights we,d see folks in cars pointing as us and shaking their heads....we,d head up 32 to the New Hope area and stop at this tiny French bakery for nice HOT cup of coffee and a pastry....stay long enough for the feeling to come back in our hands...then head up 32 along the river....johnny was leading one time and he was moving down this winding road....there was ice and snow and either side of us but the road was clear except for the occasional "black ice" in the shadows of trees and rocks...he went around this one bend and I saw his rear tire break loose and lose traction for a split second, then catch.....the rear of his bike slid side ways about 6 inches....he slowed right up after
.....up here in the Hinterland it snows more then Ive ever experienced before...the roads are permantently iced over for at least 4 months...but thats not the worst part.....they put an insane amount of salt down around the spring after the snow finally clears around mid,ll be driving down the Interstate behind a semi and there will be a huge white cloud swirling around behind it......giant clouds of salt.....if you ride up here, you wait until we get at least two good down pours to wash all that stuff away. ....
....two years ago we had an extremley mild winter...I rode out for coffee on Christmas Eve....and that spring we took off for Texas to a friends BBQ the first week of April...which is unheard of around far its been really mild up here, and Im keeping my fingers crossed that ...maybe....
...before I moved here I had never heard of...winterizing your bike....Seafoam...Stabil......and I long for the day I can forget about it...
.......this is a lake...frozen over ...about 4 miles down the road from our house.....shot was taken about 4 years ago in late April....