June 18, 2019 5:41 AM PDT
YES. Every chance I get! My first three years of riding were all in CA. Lane splitting is probably my greatest joy in life. It's thrilling! I do it here in Maryland pretty often, never had a problem, but it's less of a risk from law enforcement in DC, actually.
Maryland drivers are as oblivious as they are aggressive. I filter at stop lights to avoid being rear ended, and because being the first to take off from a light that's been red for 5 minutes is good for my air cooled bike. Otherwise, as traffic crawls, I may not be making it through that light for another two or three red/green cycles.
It's all about comfort level. I'm teaching a friend how to ride and his timidity about it makes me nervous for him. I would NEVER advise him to lane split. I started lane splitting within a few weeks of learning to ride simply because it shaved a solid 25 minutes off my commute (30 minutes by car, 5 by motorcycle). If you practice panic stops, rapid turns, and low speed manuevers, you can build the confidence and skill for safe lane splitting (if you're so inclined). But knowing your own limits is essential.
I think fear causes more accidents than anything else. Target fixation, failing a corner, not braking in time, and all manner of mistakes just happen from timid riders seizing up. I've got a lot of miles with no accidents so far, but I've had more close calls than I can count. The unmatched agility of a motorcycle lends itself well to getting out of trouble if you really throw yourself into evasive manuevers. I credit my reflexes to extensive gaming throughout my life, lol.
Maryland is getting some pushes toward legalizing lane splitting (and the traffic here DESPERATELY needs it), so here's hoping it garners the necessary support.