February 21, 2013 11:36 AM PST
Wish I could afford a "baby Harley" it has at minimum double the CC then mine has. Haha. Even a "baby H-D" is still an HD.
February 21, 2013 12:11 PM PST
When I rode a Flathead (750 cc) "they" called it a Hog.
When I rode a Knucklehead (989 cc) "they" called it a Hog.
When I rode a Sportster (1000 cc) "they" called it 1/2 a Harley.
When I road a Ultra Glide (1,449 cc) "they" called it a Garbage Barge.
To hell with "they", I ride for me not them.
February 21, 2013 12:17 PM PST
hmmmm...boat anchors comes to mind easily....
February 21, 2013 12:25 PM PST
No one should ever be subjected to this display....even if you are only helping someone injured on a ride.
February 21, 2013 2:18 PM PST
Ok I am 68 and broken down.. I bought my 2011 Sportster LR1200L 2 days ago. I had a Busa 150 + all the Time, but being smarter and loving to Ride I bought the sporty to Ride until it falls in the ditch for the last time and me with a smile on my Face .. I don't Care what anyone says.. It will be my bike to love.. until the end... I am going to slow down and smell the cow patties...
February 21, 2013 11:44 PM PST
Anyone that gives someone else crap about what they ride ....DOES NOT understand what riding is all about, so stay away from those clowns!
February 22, 2013 3:38 AM PST
Lets face it Sportster Riders are Real Riders, after you pass the line to those FXGLYZ things and add wind this, flarings, fiberglass bags, foot rests, stero, cb, etc you are driving a two wheel cage.
We need a Category for the Real RIders, The Sportster RIders...... So we can discuss real bikes. 
Personally I don't care what you ride, anyone on two wheels can ride side by side with me.
But, the man did open himself to some good natured ribbing when he started this discussing with...
"We need a Category for the Real RIders, The Sportster RIders...... So we can discuss real bikes."
February 22, 2013 4:55 AM PST
With both things GoFur said...
I will ride with almost anyone on any type of bike. If I choose NOT to ride with someone it is normally because of the person, not the bike.
And he did open himself up to some ribbing with the opening comment!!!