November 23, 2010 1:25 PM PST
They call this catagory "Off-Topic", so here I go. Why on God's green earth would any right-minded, sensible, and intelligent person, want to be caught anywhere near a shopping mall, plaza, center or market, on the day after Thanksgiving??? I have never understood the logic of "buying" into the hype, that you are "actually" getting a deal, on all those price mark-downs. You do realize, that they are taking their percentages off of merchandise which has been marked-up? UP to 200% in some cases. Or, are you just the type of person that needs to shop early to "get" into the Christmas spirit?
Thankfully, I am one of the 7% of women on this planet, born without the "shopping" gene. Not only would it take a truck-load of horses to drag me out into that mess, it might take a few trucks, harleys, very large men and one helluva lot more incentive, than getting my toes stepped on by silly people, out to "save" a buck.
Hey, I'm just sayin'! No harm, no foul, if you enjoy that sort of thing. But me, I'm gonna watch some football, or take a bubble bath. I think I might just do both! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, YA'LL!
Ride Free
November 23, 2010 4:23 PM PST
I went out last year for the first time in my life on black friday around 9am and just watched people shopping. It was not that early in the am so I believe all the hardcore shoppers were allready done for the day. They all had one thing in common though, they seemed to all be extremely stressed out. Men and women both. All of them fussing around looking for deals and buying everything that wasn't nailed down. I remember watching an older couple struggling to load a big screen tv onto their flat cart at the store because there was no employees available to help, and I thought to myself was it all worth it. I guess so for some and some people have no choice but to seek out gifts for xmas at a discounted price. I invite anyone who enjoys studying human nature like I do to take a trip out on black friday and have a look around. Its very entertaining and its a great way to walk off the 7000 calorie dinner I had the night before. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Terry and Sheryl
November 23, 2010 11:45 PM PST
I have shopped black Friday once or twice when there was something specific I was looking for that was going to be on sale. But now I find it easier to compare and shop online for the best deals on most things.
However, I actually do love the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping anytime other than black Friday. I can go to the mall for no other reason then to just wander around and people watch during the holidays.
November 23, 2010 11:54 PM PST
Black Friday is NOT my thing, I guess I too belong to that 7%.. But for my child, I go! Wouldnt mind going to the Harley shop!... The rest can go hang,as far as Im concerned.
November 24, 2010 12:30 AM PST
I did finally do the Black Friday thing once a couple of years ago, specifically for a 12.5 gal Shop-Vac for I believe $25. I was in the parking lot around 5:30am for that one and there was already a line forming in a cold wind. I bought two - one for me and one for my dad. I still use mine.
I'm not fond of shopping, but if something is needed or wanted I'll do my best to get it for the least spendy.
November 24, 2010 12:43 AM PST
they say never say never? Well I've NEVER DONE IT AND I NEVER WILL...I don't mingle well with the average public type people..but give me a motrocycle rally with thousands of "normal" people ? i do very well in that arena....
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
November 24, 2010 1:09 AM PST
I'll be out there. I just love shopping on Black Friday. I know all the deals may not be the greatest, but you NEED to know what you are buying and what the normal price is. That way if they say it is a deal, you will know if it really is. Guess to me its kind of like a game, and I love it. Sometimes it is not whether or not it is true a good deal, but whether or no you perceive it as a deal, and ge it before someone else
And like Lucky and wheels said, sometimes it fun just to people watch!
November 24, 2010 1:33 AM PST
Anyone up for Mike's game of "parking lot bingo"?
November 24, 2010 1:42 AM PST
Hey Tweek, I am with you on this. I hate shopping at any time, so if you add the ZOO BALOO of black Friday, NO WAY!
But to each their own.
November 24, 2010 2:10 AM PST
I’m not a shopping crowd person. But as RandyJoe pointed out, I to will go to a crowed motorcycle rally. There just way too many people pushing shoving and let’s not talk about the parking lot. Sometimes a demolition derby is more respectful of the cars outer body. Me, if I do any shopping it will be online. I’ll sit back have some turkey and be thankful for what I have and enjoy the day.
To everyone have a good thanksgiving and be thankful for whatever brings a warm spot to your heart.
November 24, 2010 3:46 AM PST
November 24, 2010 4:54 AM PST
I'm not a mall person in anyway but my hubby had to go to Sears on Black Friday to purchase a tool box. I went shopping to find my granddaughter a Christmas dress which I bought for 23 dollars (originally 72 dollars) but had to wait in line for 40 minutes to get to a cashier. I also noticed all boots were on sale for $19.00 any boot. Since I have several in my closet with the tags still on I didn't purchase boots but thought they would be worth the wait in line if I had chosen. I don't go to malls on a regular basis but I do like to shop.....and shop....and shop!
November 24, 2010 5:29 AM PST
they say never say never? Well I've NEVER DONE IT AND I NEVER WILL...I don't mingle well with the average public type people..but give me a motrocycle rally with thousands of "normal" people ? i do very well in that arena....
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
I sooooooooo feel you on this brother. I can do a crowd of thousands, if their dressed like me, but to go out and "shop", uh-huh! I've never needed anything that bad, in my life!
Oh well, taint fer the faint of heart, I reckon...

November 25, 2010 12:01 AM PST
Hey all I can say about Black Friday is......."IT'S A TRAP" everybody back into the house where the beer is!
November 25, 2010 12:33 AM PST
Mall ???? What's a MALL ????
November 25, 2010 12:47 AM PST
Thank God for inventing E-Bay !!!!!
November 25, 2010 1:06 PM PST
hell I dont even like shopping in the 1st place, much less with a bunch of idiots that think they are beating the system.
November 25, 2010 1:22 PM PST
Saw a new one, at least for me, this afternoon. A half dozen tents on pitched on the sidewalk in front of Best Buy. W>T>F, Over!
December 1, 2010 10:55 PM PST
I have shopped black Friday once or twice when there was something specific I was looking for that was going to be on sale. But now I find it easier to compare and shop online for the best deals on most things.
However, I actually do love the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping anytime other than black Friday. I can go to the mall for no other reason then to just wander around and people watch during the holidays.
To really get into the Christmas spirit, I go down to the Jacksonville Landing, and watch the Christmas Boat Parade. Every year, right around turkey day, they get a whole swamp-load of boaters, who like to gussy up their boats in their Christmas finest. If you have never seen a boat parade, you must put it on your bucket list. Some of these boats are so awesomely adorned, that you'll wonder how they did that! It's great fun for everyone, and kids just go crazy for it. Plus they have ferry rides, musicians, and of course the nitely Christmas program after the tree lighting ceremonies. If you are in the area, please go check it out!!! Ride Free
December 2, 2010 1:33 AM PST
Saw a new one, at least for me, this afternoon. A half dozen tents on pitched on the sidewalk in front of Best Buy. W>T>F, Over!
Saw the same thing around here. Thinking there is an opportunity here. Next year we charge to get in the parking lot, have a band play all night, vendors, fodd, the whole nine yards!!!!
December 2, 2010 2:21 AM PST
A few years ago when my son was still pretty young, they had everything on sale at a store close to my house on Black Friday. Open at the usual dark thirty! So I got up while the kids were still asleep and jammed over to the store to get my prizes before they awoke.
To my surprise, there was almost no one at the store, we walked in, got several electronics at a great price and got home before they even knew I was gone. It had to be the easiest Christmas ever.
So now I just try not to push my luck, so I just stay home, the kids will miss the presents this year, but what the heck! lol
December 2, 2010 4:45 AM PST
I prefer to do most of my shopping the Monday afetr....on the Internet! No stress at all and you can get some really great prices. Come to think of it, it's been so long since I went to a mall because I do 95% of my shopping on the internet....oh heck, you see what I mean. LOL
December 5, 2010 3:16 AM PST
lol ive done one black friday- stood in line for 2 hrs waiting to check out- so never again- i am going out today with the wife to get the kids taken care of - whats left anyway- god bless the internet- its sooo much easier!
December 6, 2010 2:14 PM PST
You mean you have all started shopping already?!? Did I miss something??? HA HA HA!!! How many have done cards and decorated...? Just curious ;-)
December 6, 2010 2:15 PM PST
You mean you have all started shopping already?!? Did I miss something??? HA HA HA!!! How many have done cards and decorated...? Just curious ;-)